Cloudflare is an American company that operates content-delivery network with a variety of features that enhance website security and performance. The base service is available for free, with a number of additional features available under a monthly subscription.
Mammoth Cloud's DNS Hosting feature was enhanced in 2017 to include direct integration with Cloudflare's service. The integration introduced many customers to the Cloudflare service who may have been uncertain or unaware that such third-party solutions were available.
Cloudflare is now a publicly listed, globally recognised service and continues to add a range of new features that are not available through Mammoth Cloud's DNS Hosting integration. Mammoth Cloud have decided the best path forward is for customers to begin managing Cloudflare-protected domains via the native Cloudflare Dashboard.
Prior to 1 June 2022 consult the Mammoth Cloud website at https://www.mammoth.com.au/mpanel/domains . Domains currently using the Cloudflare service will be marked with an orange cloud icon labelled "active".
For each domain currently using the Cloudflare service, there are two available options:
1. Continue to use Cloudflare service and manage the domain at Cloudflare Dashboard. No action is required.
2. Remove the domain from Cloudflare and transfer the DNS hosting to Mammoth Cloud. To do so, click the orange-cloud icon and update the domain's nameservers as directed.
Mammoth Cloud recommend option 1: continue to use Cloudflare service, managed via the native Cloudflare Dashboard. No action is required to proceed with option 1.
If a domain is removed from Cloudflare as described in option 2, the current DNS records from Cloudflare will be copied to Mammoth Cloud DNS Hosting. If the domain is registered with Mammoth Cloud the nameservers will be updated at the same time; for domains registered with a third party the nameservers will need to be updated manually to complete the transfer.
After 1 June 2022 all Cloudflare-specific functionality will be removed from the Mammoth Cloud website and domains using Cloudflare must be managed via the native Cloudflare Dashboard.